External publication

Réduire les rapports inégalitaires en recherche collaborative par une démarche conscientisante :

Illustration d’une disposition méthodologique


This contribution stems from doctoral research in social work to analyze the practice of social interveners closely involved with families finding themselves in vulnerable positions caused by complex situations. It participates in methodological discussions that bring together leading group sessions during collaborative research, symmetrization of research-practice relationships and development of the power to act of those in the field. Supported by conceptualization of the empowerment process, this secondary analysis of a methodological provision brings to light a discovery made while leading a group analyzing practice. To avoid falling into a traditional prescriptive relationship with respect to practice and to access the tacit knowledge of the interveners, the student-researcher introduced « absent voices. » In this provision, interveners were invited to assume the point of view of other actors concerned by the situation being analyzed in the group. We use one of the directed interviews to illustrate the use of « absent voices » to lead an analysis of practice group. As will be seen, by diversifying points of view this provision fosters awareness, and so the development of the power to act. While introducing « absent voices » into research interviews doesn’t transform the conditions of practice that contribute to lack of power among field interveners, it is reasonable to think that such a provision will engage a process that improves awareness and reduces unequal research-practice relationships.


Catherine Bélanger Sabourin, Ph. D.
Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada

Joëlle Morrissette, Ph. D.
Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada

Date : 2022
Keywords: Analysis of practice, group sessions in collaborative research, methodological provision, research-practice relationships, absent voices

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