Do you work with vulnerable children in difficult living conditions?

The community social pediatrics model can enrich your practice.

What is community social pediatrics?

What is the Community Social Pediatrics Institute?

The practice of CSP is attracting the attention of more and more communities and professionals working with children in vulnerable situations. In order to disseminate the knowledge it has acquired through shared experience and social innovation, the Fondation Dr Julien created the Community Social Pediatrics Institute. The Institute codifies practices and disseminates them through three types of training: Continuing Professional Development, University Training and Community Training. In this way, the Institute contributes to building a solid community of practice.

Four reasons for choosing to expand your knowledge by registering for our training

Plan de travail 1

Individualized, interdisciplinary and intersectoral training approach

Innovative practice that is evidence-based and supported by ongoing research

Access to a dynamic and engaged community of practice

Recognition by a number of professional orders

Getting started

Online training - Introduction to CSP

Introduction to Community Social Pediatrics

CSP is a model of integrated social medicine developed by Dr. Gilles Julien. Through this interactive journey, you discover the main themes, clinical approach, service continuum, unique features, philosophy and values of CSP.

Ready to go?