Case study

Mélissa and the rights of the child


In this short video, we hear the story of 9-year-old Mélissa, who has been followed in CSP since her birth. Mélissa’s right to protection under Article 4 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was invoked right at her birth when her parents were unable to take care of her. Fortunately her right to be raised by her own family, as stipulated in Article 9, was respected: her grandmother welcomed her into her home and became her protector.

After many years of no real contact, Mélissa’s mother initiates steps to regain custody of her daughter. To respect Article 17 and the right of the child to be informed, Dr. Julien takes the time to explain the situation to Mélissa. Finally, in compliance with Article 12, which stipulates that a child has the right to be heard, Mélissa’s refusal to see her mother is heard.

In light of Mélissa’s anguish and concerns about exposing her to difficult legal proceedings, the CSP team proposes a mediation process called The Circle. All of the significant adults in Mélissa’s life are invited to participate in this circle. This is an opportunity for Mélissa to express, and have heard, all of her needs and rights as set out the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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