Anxiety Disorders in Vulnerable Children

Children and teens in vulnerable situations experience numerous sources of toxic stress. This daily exposure to stress is associated with a number of problems, in particular anxiety disorders.


udience: Medicine, nursing, clinical follow-up lead, law and mediation, follow-up/support, general management, client reception, clinical direction, clinical coordination
Recognized by:

  • Médecins Francophones du Canada

Cost: Free


Children and teens in vulnerable situations experience numerous sources of toxic stress. This daily exposure to stress is associated with several problems, in particular anxiety disorders. Such disorders can affect the child’s well-being as well as their capacity to function in different areas of their lives and cope with setbacks. For professionals in CSP, it is essential to distinguish between signs of anxiety disorder and signs of other disorders, and then implement the most appropriate action plan.


  • Recognize the signs of anxiety disorders in children and teens in situations of vulnerability
  • Explore and try out clinical tools to help children, teens and families in situations of vulnerability cope with and/or overcome anxiety disorder

Training team

Dr Gilles Julien — Pediatrician, Clinical Director, founder of CSP
Michèle Lambin — Social worker, psychoeducator, instructor and supervisor
The team of the Community Social Pediatrics Institute



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Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • Course Certificate