Catherine Pugnaire Gros – Caring for youth at risk of suicide: what do children and parents find helpful?
Catherine Pugnaire Gros presents a study that identified effective nursing interventions (…)
Institut de pédiatrie sociale en communauté
Prerequisites: Introduction to Community Social Pediatrics
Duration: 120 minutes
Format: Online Module
Target audience: Medicine, nursing, clinical follow-up lead, law and mediation, follow-up/support, general management, client reception, clinical direction, clinical coordination
Recognized by: 2 training hours recognized by…
Cost: Free
Professionals working in social pediatrics encounter children suffering from complex health problems: language delays, motor deficits, poor social skills, severe learning disabilities and behavioural problems. But hidden beneath these difficulties are often sources of stress that result in a violation of one or more of the child’s fundamental rights.
In order to ensure a child’s full health and well-being, professionals in social pediatrics rely on, among other things, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its global intervention strategy to ensure all children can develop to their full potential. In this sense, the Convention is an indispensable tool for enriching the practice of social pediatrics and influences the actions necessary to help children in difficult living conditions.
This online training is an introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Participants familiarize themselves with the articles of the Convention, learn how they form the basis of the Seven Principles of the Rights of the Child that are used in CSP, and learn to make links between children’s needs and potential violations of their rights.
“Test-your-knowledge” formative assessment