CSP Days 2023

Mobilizing young people as a powerful lever for tackling mental health issues

Présentation : Les expert·es du CPSC Atlas, de la Ruelle d'Hochelaga et du Garage à Musique


Since the pandemic, CSP workers have noted a high level of demobilization among young people, especially in adolescence : isolation, dropping out of school, depression, suicidal ideation, cyberaddiction, etc. These issues raise major challenges from an intervention point of view. How can we maintain a link with young people? How can we create or maintain support for the services that are supposed to help them? To inspire them, young people from three social pediatrics centers, accompanied by youth workers, will share their views on youth (de)mobilization and suggest tools and activities that have worked for them. Here’s a glimpse of what young people from the two centers will be discussing.

The experts:

  • Tatyanna-Belen Diego
  • Capucine Jarry
  • Samuel Lanctot
  • Adrien Prophète
  • lexis Provost-Charron
  • Sachin Rajathurai
  • Aleeza Sahzad
  • Bertrand Tankeu
  • Anderson Warren M’Batchou


  • Malika Saher, mediating lawyer, Fondation Dr Julien
  • Antoine Chaf, Coordinator, CPSC Atlas
  • Quentin Tauzy, specialized educator, CPSC Atlas
  • Roxanne Bisaillon, specialized educator, CPSC Atlas

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