Case study: Sébastien and neglect
[Video] Through the story of Sébastien, Dr. Julien and Julie Desharnais, social worker and Assistant Director General at the Fondation, explain how neglect is perceived and addressed in community social pediatrics.
Institut de pédiatrie sociale en communauté
Duration: 90 minutes
Format: Online Module
Target audience: Medicine, nursing, clinical follow-up lead, law and mediation, follow-up/support, general management, client reception, clinical direction, clinical coordination
Recognized by: 2 training hours recognized by…
Cost: Free
There are many reasons why children in situations of vulnerability often have difficulties with attention and exhibit behaviours deemed difficult or problematic. In order to properly help such children, it is important to distinguish between more transient problems and those caused by actual neurological deficits. This module begins by examining the causes and signs of ADHD and behavioural disorders. Possible comorbidities that can accompany these disorders are also covered. Finally, case studies are used to examine the interventions favoured by CSP for children with these disorders.
“Test-your-knowledge” formative assessment
Dre Leila Ben Amor – Child psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Université de Montréal
Dre Anne-Marie Bureau — Family physician and Director, CPSC de Gatineau and CPSC du Vieux-Hull
Maude Julien — Nurse and Director, CPSC Lévis
The team of the Community Social Pediatrics Institute
ADHD - Accompanying and note-taking document
Preschool Onset Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - J Am Acad Child adolesc Psychiatry
Family Study of Girls With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Estimating the Prevalence of Early Childhood Serious Emotional Behavioral Disorders - Public Health Reports
Emotional wellbeing and its relation to health
Canadian ADHD Practice Guidelines Download - CADRRA