Panel – How can we achieve equitable access to health and social services for all Quebec children?
This panel, facilitated by M. John Parisella and composed of Dr Nicolas Steinmetz, Nico Trocmé and Dr Gilles Julien answer (…)
Institut de pédiatrie sociale en communauté
Duration: 90 minutes
Recognized by: 1 training hour recognized by…
Increasingly research in neuroscience is focusing on the impact of stress on child development. It is showed that prolonged activation of stress response systems can disturb the development and architecture of the brain and other systems in the body. This can lead to delays in development, detrimental effects on learning and an increased risk of developing certain diseases and cognitive problems in adulthood.
Children living in vulnerable situations often experience strong, frequent and prolonged adversity. Their response to the stress caused by this adversity can become toxic and prevent them from developing to their full potential. The goal of CSP is to identify, reduce and/or eliminate these sources of toxic stress or their underlying risk factors. Identifying and understanding these sources is therefore essential to the practice of social pediatric professionals: it enables them to make sense of the child’s difficulties and then implement effective care and services.