Dre Meta Van Den Heuvel – How well does the Nipissing District Developmental screen (NDDS) identify communication problems in infants?
Dr. Meta Van Den Heuvel compares the results of the Nipissing District Developmental Screen (NDDS) (…)
Institut de pédiatrie sociale en communauté
Prerequisites :
Duration: 18 heures
Type: Hybrid
Clientele: Medicine, nursing, social work and accompanying services
Recognition: 18 hours of training recognized by Médecins francophones Du Canada.
Note: This training is offered per CSPC team. It is therefore impossible to register individually for this training.
This training focuses on interpersonal and cumulative trauma-sensitive approaches.
This part must be completed individually.
Initially, the online training will enable you to 1) identify the specific characteristics of complex trauma; 2) understand its impact on the development of children and adolescents; and 3) become familiar with the components of the ARC Model (Attachment, Regulation, Competence), an approach that helps develop the resilience capacities of traumatized children and adolescents.
At the end of this online section, we will provide you with information on clinical supervision.
You must complete all online training modules before your first clinical supervision.
This part must be completed by each CSPC team.
Secondly, through four remote clinical supervisions, CSPC teams have the opportunity to apply the ARC model to their own clinical situations. For each clinical supervision, teams are asked to prepare a clinical case. This usually takes 1 hour.
Delphine Collin-Vézina – Director of McGill University’s Centre for Research on Children and Families and holder of the Nicolas Steinmetz and Gilles Julien Chair in Community Social Pediatrics at McGill University.
Online clinical supervisors
Institute of Community Social Pediatrics team